grdimage - Plot grids or images.
from pygmt.clib import Session
from pygmt.exceptions import GMTInvalidInput
from pygmt.helpers import (
@kwargs_to_strings(R="sequence", p="sequence")
def grdimage(self, grid, **kwargs):
Project and plot grids or images.
Reads a 2-D grid file and produces a gray-shaded (or colored) map by
building a rectangular image and assigning pixels a gray-shade (or
color) based on the z-value and the CPT file. Optionally, illumination
may be added by providing a file with intensities in the (-1,+1) range
or instructions to derive intensities from the input data grid. Values
outside this range will be clipped. Such intensity files can be created
from the grid using `grdgradient` and, optionally, modified by
`grdmath` or `grdhisteq`. If GMT is built with GDAL support, *grid* can
be an image file (geo-referenced or not). In this case the image can
optionally be illuminated with the file provided via the *shading*
option. Here, if image has no coordinates then those of the intensity
file will be used.
When using map projections, the grid is first resampled on a new
rectangular grid with the same dimensions. Higher resolution images can
be obtained by using the *dpi* option. To obtain the resampled value
(and hence shade or color) of each map pixel, its location is inversely
projected back onto the input grid after which a value is interpolated
between the surrounding input grid values. By default bi-cubic
interpolation is used. Aliasing is avoided by also forward projecting
the input grid nodes. If two or more nodes are projected onto the same
pixel, their average will dominate in the calculation of the pixel
value. Interpolation and aliasing is controlled with the
*interpolation* option.
The *region* option can be used to select a map region larger or
smaller than that implied by the extent of the grid.
Full option list at :gmt-docs:`grdimage.html`
grid : str or xarray.DataArray
The file name or a DataArray containing the input 2-D gridded data
set or image to be plotted (See GRID FILE FORMATS at
img_out : str
Save an image in a raster format instead of PostScript. Use
extension .ppm for a Portable Pixel Map format which is the only
raster format GMT can natively write. For GMT installations
configured with GDAL support there are more choices: Append
*out_img* to select the image file name and extension. If the
extension is one of .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, or .tif then no driver
information is required. For other output formats you must append
the required GDAL driver. The *driver* is the driver code name used
by GDAL; see your GDAL installation's documentation for available
drivers. Append a **+c**\\ *options* string where options is a list
of one or more concatenated number of GDAL **-co** options. For
example, to write a GeoPDF with the TerraGo format use
``=PDF+cGEO_ENCODING=OGC_BP``. Notes: (1) If a tiff file (.tif) is
selected then we will write a GeoTiff image if the GMT projection
syntax translates into a PROJ syntax, otherwise a plain tiff file
is produced. (2) Any vector elements will be lost.
img_in : str
GMT will automatically detect standard image files (Geotiff, TIFF,
JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.) and will read those via GDAL. For very obscure
image formats you may need to explicitly set *img_in*, which
specifies that the grid is in fact an image file to be read via
GDAL. Append **r** to assign the region specified by *region*
to the image. For example, if you have used ``region='d'`` then the
image will be assigned a global domain. This mode allows you to
project a raw image (an image without referencing coordinates).
dpi : int
Sets the resolution of the projected grid that will be created if a
map projection other than Linear or Mercator was selected [100]. By
default, the projected grid will be of the same size (rows and
columns) as the input file. Specify **i** to use the PostScript
image operator to interpolate the image at the device resolution.
bit_color : str
This option only applies when a resulting 1-bit image otherwise
would consist of only two colors: black (0) and white (255). If so,
this option will instead use the image as a transparent mask and
paint the mask with the given color. Append **+b** to paint the
background pixels (1) or **+f** for the foreground pixels
shading : str
Give the name of a grid file with intensities in the (-1,+1) range,
or a constant intensity to apply everywhere (affects the ambient
light). Alternatively, derive an intensity grid from the input data
grid via a call to `grdgradient`; append **+a**\\ *azimuth*,
**+n**\\ *args*, and **+m**\\ *ambient* to specify azimuth,
intensity, and ambient arguments for that module, or just give
**+d** to select the default arguments (``+a-45+nt1+m0``). If you
want a more specific intensity scenario then run `grdgradient`
separately first. If we should derive intensities from another file
than grid, specify the file with suitable modifiers [Default is no
monochrome : bool
Force conversion to monochrome image using the (television) YIQ
transformation. Cannot be used with *nan_transparent*.
no_clip : bool
Do not clip the image at the map boundary (only relevant for
non-rectangular maps).
nan_transparent : bool
Make grid nodes with z = NaN transparent, using the color-masking
feature in PostScript Level 3 (the PS device must support PS Level
kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)
kind = data_kind(grid, None, None)
with Session() as lib:
if kind == "file":
file_context = dummy_context(grid)
elif kind == "grid":
file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_grid(grid)
raise GMTInvalidInput("Unrecognized data type: {}".format(type(grid)))
with file_context as fname:
arg_str = " ".join([fname, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
lib.call_module("grdimage", arg_str)